Musical instrument courses for free to celebrate 10 years of TuCuatro

Musical instrument courses for free to celebrate 10 years of TuCuatro

We're happy to announce that during 2020 we're offering all courses and lessons for free at TuCuatro, in order to celebrate the 10 years of TuCuatro.

Our store and learning system opened its doors in 2010, and since then, we've been pioneering the education of exotic musical instruments. Each one of our customers, during these 10 years has had the opportunity to learn with our online learning platform, as we've included a complimentary membership to our courses with each instrument we sell. Now we're expanding this benefit to everybody in the world, with free access to all of the courses and lessons at TuCuatro.

"For the past 10 years, TuCuatro has been at the forefront of pioneering how we learn to play the Venezuelan Cuatro. With an online learning portal dedicated to the teachings of the Venezuelan Cuatro, TuCuatro has built a solid foundation that has secured the future of the cuatro and its teachings on a global scale. Part of the major achievements of TuCuatro include having the first intercontinental Google HangOut session between cuatro players, first online learning program for the cuatro, and offering the first online bandola llanera course. With the next steps in mind, Co-CEOs Adrian Toro and Adriaan Moya have taken a monumental decision relating the future of TuCuatro."

You can read the full press release here:

Also, if you already have an instrument and want to get initiated in the world of exotic instruments, just visit our courses pages, available in both English and Spanish, here:

Courses at TuCuatro:




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